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Does your tack always look a little lacklustre?

It never really shines how you want it to?

Or you are sat up late the night before a show scrubbing away because you forgot to clean it earlier?

Well, we have the answer!

With The Tack Box Subscription we’ll send out a quarterly pack of goodies to you to help you keep your tack and leatherwork spick and span, ready for any event! 

Rammed with big name brands such as NAF, Carr Day & Martin and Renapur, the subscription box will equip you with the products you need to make sure your tack is sparkling. It will also introduce you to some lesser known, but equally amazing products that will give you the edge in the show ring. 

Black Labrador holding a yellow sponge

but we haven't stopped there...

We care for the environment and want to make this as environmentally friendly as we can. This is why all of the sponges used in the boxes are compostable and can be thrown on the muck heap when you’re done with them. Plus, all the packaging is recyclable too. 

So, How Does it Work?

Our subscription boxes come out to you quarterly so that the products inside can be tailored depending on the season. This means that we can support you through the competition season and also when your tack needs a little extra love during the wetter winter months.

When you sign up you’ll be sent your first subscription box right away!

I mean, no one wants to wait, do they!

And following this the subscription boxes are sent out to arrive at the end of April, July, October and January. So, whichever quarter you start your subscription in, you’ll be sent the previous box.

Pay Quarterly

£40 per quarter

Receive your quarterly subscription box packed with leather care goodies to make sure your tack is sparkly, clean, soft and supple. Sign up for 12 months and pay quarterly. Free postage included.

Pay Yearly & Save

£140 per year

Receive your quarterly subscription box packed with leather care goodies to make sure your tack is sparkly, clean, soft and supple. Pay yearly and save money on your tack cleaning products. Free postage included.

Terms & Conditions

Free postage, but UK shipping only at the moment. Minimum 12 month subscription.